
Turn 2 - Matchup

The Rebels establish a presence on Sacorria and Froz. The Imperials build a base on Drall.

The Empire sends Grand Moff Tarkin to attack the Sacorra system, where based on the fleet expenditure they know to be a rebel outpost. Dodonna is sent to the defense. Meanwhile the Rebels plan to establish a presence at Raider's Point but the fleet of Garm Bel Iblis meets that of Admiral Motti to fight over that system. Finally the Empire tries to land a devastating blow on Rebel economy by attacking the Saberhing Asteroid Belt with its important repair facilities. The Asteroids are defended by Admiral Ackbar's fleet, which encounters Admiral Screed.

Grand Moff Tarkin vs. Dodonna @ Sacorria (Rebel Outpost)
Garm Bel Iblis vs. Admiral Motti @ Raider's Point (Unoccupied)
Admiral Screed vs. Admiral Ackbar @ Saberhing Asteroid Belt (Rebel Outpost)


Turn 1 conclusion

 Refit cost is half the cost of the ship (excluding upgrades) or squadron rounded up. Both sides currently have 45 refit points per player. Additional points may be spent from the players income.

 Grand Moff Tarkin:
3 x Tie Interceptor (11) - 6 refit each
2 x Tie  Fighter (8) - 4 refit each
Tie Advanced (12) - 6 refit
Tie Defender (16) - 8 refit
Interdictor (93) - 47 refit
 (thus refitting the squadrons takes a total of 40 points and can be done by using the free points)

Admiral Ackbar:
Nebulon (57) - 29 refit
X-Wing (13) - 7 refit
A-Wing (16) - 8 refit
(thus since the upgrade does not need to be refitted, Admiral Ackbars repairs are covered by the free points)

The Empire has 284 income --> 94/95/95
The Rebels have 213 income --> 71 each

The Rebels are in the lead with 1 campaign point